The GaymerCon Team is proud to announce that Team GaymerCon is partnering with Extra Life 2012 to raise money for local children’s hospitals! If you don’t know about Extra Life..check it out. It’s cool stuff and it’s for a really great cause – helping sick kids get an extra life!
From the Extra Life website: For the last four years, thousands of gamers have joined together annually to play for 24 hours for Extra Life — a gaming marathon in support of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals®. Gamers rally friends and family members to sponsor their play. The funds they raise go to help save and improve the lives of kids at the CMN Hospital in their community. Since 2008, our incredible players have raised more than 2 million dollars, and this year, on October 20th, 2012 we believe they will outdo themselves yet again.
And we at GaymerCon hate to disappoint! That’s why we’re planning to have a big gaming bash in San Francisco for 24 hours straight, livestreaming it on the webs and raising money for a good cause. Once we have the livestreaming link, we’ll update this post and send it out on our socials.

Here’s the deets:
WHEN: WHENEVER. You can game whenever you want for 24 hours. The Team GaymerCon party’s going to be October 20, 2012, starting at 8am going into 8 am on August 21st.
WHERE: ANYWHERE. Literally. If you want to game while planking (is that still a thing?), more power to you. We’ll announce where we plan to hold our bash as soon as we can.
GAME/PLATFORM: ANYTHING. Any games on any platforms. Because #EverybodyGames
HOW IT WORKS: Like most marathon fundraisers, you ask your friends and family to sponsor your efforts. They can make a per-hour, monthly, or one-time pledge. Every bit helps. Then you do your part to game like you’ve never gamed before.
WHO IT BENEFITS: Participants select the children’s hospital they want to play for during registration. In the US and Canada there are more than 170 CMN Hospitals to choose from. Players may also choose to play for hospitals in the UK and Australia, though gamers from anywhere are free, and encouraged, to join in.
So come join or donate to Team GaymerCon, and we look forward to seeing you on October 20th!