Hey everyone! Today we’re going to be talking about panels – and if YOU want to run one (or be on one!) how to make that happen: I’m going to take you through the process of making a panel idea a reality.
Now I know what you are thinking, but I promise it’s not a difficult process and it’s one we have put in place to make sure we get the best panels possible that really represent GX3 and the amazing diversity we see at our conventions.
As is the first step in any thing, you have to come up with an idea for the panel or talk–the form itself is pretty self explanatory and can be found here: at this lovely little link.
FUN FACT: Be prepared to give as much detail on your panel as possible, because incomplete panels submissions won’t be reviewed. Also, have fun!
Note: All panel submissions are due by September 1st – no later, no exceptions. Once submitted panels won’t be viewed by just a single person, but by a group of people. We call this group the Panel Advisory Board. Their job is to do things like sift through all of the submissions, reach out to submitters and get more information where needed, work with the panelists for any needs they might have, and find additional panelists if needed.
The Panel Advisory Board, or PAB, will also do something called a diversity review. This ensures mishaps like a panel on diversification in games isn’t held by a line up of only white dudes. We feel that where appropriate panels that discuss such topics should have a wide array of voices that better represent the vast amount of diversity we see and want to see in our community.
Once the PAB has reviewed your submissions, then comes the fun part: the scheduling. Now that’s not something that you all have to worry about, just something that happens on our end. Please let us know if there are any times that would work especially well for you or that don’t work for you, and we’ll try to work with all reasonable requests – once that happens your panel is as good as gold and ready to be debuted at GX3.
As always, don’t be afraid to ask any questions as the crew here at GX3 is here to help! You can find us on our forums or on twitter @gaymerX! You can also email us at: [email protected].
As always signing off with nothing but love for the community.