Hey Backers!
What a fantastic day yesterday for human rights – we’re so excited over here at GaymerConnect and can not WAIT for GaymerX in just over 30 days now. Hoping to see lots of cool cosplays and potentially even a marriage proposal or two??
We have some big news and a couple of updates coming this week but first we wanted to clear up a common question that we got: Badges.
Badges will not be mailed out to attendees, but instead the badge code emailed to you is your badge, and you need to register your badge code on GaymerConnect. Think of it like inputting your name to start a game of Master Chen or Conversation Parade on your BMO. You can use any name you’d like on your badge and we’ll know what ID to match your badge to when you pick your badge up. (You don’t have to use your birthname on your badge!)
TO DO THIS >> Go to GaymerX.com and login (using Facebook, Twitter, or new account), you can register your badge code that you were sent earlier in the year. If you haven’t received an email, please let us know and we will resend your code to you 🙂 Once we have your code you’re all set and ready to play VIDEO GAMES!

Last day to register your badge/give your code to a friend to register their badge is July 25th, so that way we have a list of people attending and their badges.
If you know for sure that you can’t make it and would like to donate your badge (which will be donated via giveaways and local gaymer meetups), please email [email protected] with the subject “Donate” and the badge codes you’d like to donate. This will also help us open up tickets for other people that would like to attend. We’ll miss you though 🙁

Thank you for all your support and we can’t wait to show you what we have in store, we hope to exceed your expectations for an inaugural gaming convention and can’t wait to continue to good fight for LGBTQ rights in the gaming world.
– Team GaymerX