
Matt Conn
Matt Conn is the founder and CEO of MidBoss, which puts on the annual GaymerX gaming convention. MidBoss also produces LGBTQ focused gaming media, including the the cyberpunk story adventure game Read Only Memories, as well as the “Gaymer” documentary Gaming in Color. Conn is a major leader of the fight for inclusion of queer themes and developers in the video games industry and works out of San Francisco, where he lives
We can change the world together.

Toni Rocca
Toni Rocca is a feminist and an activist for creating inclusive spaces in gaming and other fandoms. As a trans woman, her expertise tends to revolve around queer issues and creating safer environments to foster creativity and enrich the culture of a space. She is known mainly for running the LGBTQ themed gaming convention GaymerX in San Francisco alongside Matt Conn. Toni has most recently taken to consulting for various companies and events to create better practices for inclusivity.

Philip Jones
Con co-chair and Expo Hall / Indie Space director
Philip Jones is a producer and developer at MidBoss with a passion for showcasing the stories of LGBTQ individuals through various media. Philip directed the feature doc “Gaming In Color” (2014) which explores the queer side of gaming, and they are also a writer and developer on cyberpunk adventure game 2064: Read Only Memories. Philip is also a co-producer for the annual premiere LGBTQ-focused gaming event GaymerX, and has since been heavily involved in LGBTQ gaming communities, especially those focusing on gender non-binary individuals. In their free time, Philip finds joy in watching professional wrestling and tweeting about bears at @ProBearCub.

Tanya DePass
Diversity Liason and Program Advisory Panel Member
Tanya DePass is a lifelong Chicagoan who loves everything about gaming, #INeedDiverseGames spawn point, and wants to make it better and more inclusive for everyone. She’s the Founder and EIC of @OutofTokensCast, the Diversity Liaison for GaymerX and often speaks on issues of diversity, feminism, race, intersectionality & other topics at conventions.
She can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected]

Mel Fox
Operations Manager
Mel Fox is an Art Director, 2D artist and all around creative team superstar living in Seattle. They are a voice for sex, gender, body and just about every other sort of -positivity out there. Mel is happy to bring their organizational skills to GaymerX and loves interfacing with the amazing range of voices in both Bosses of Honor and Speakers that come to GaymerX!

Head of Photography
EMiSpicer is a thirty-something good-for-nothing living in New York. She is a freelance photographer best known for her documentation of video game and nerd culture events, as well as chiptune and general concert photography. She is part of both Babycastles and Different Games collectives, a co-organizer for Pulsewave, and acts as resident photographer for all three groups. She was a founding member of MAGFest’s media department and has been photographing for IndieCade since 2013. In her work, she jokes that she aims to “prove that things existed,” hoping to honestly represent a moment in time in a way that preserves the feeling of being at the events she documents.
EMi is all over the internet (@uglymachine), but can also be reached at uglymachineproductions at gmail dot com

Terence Tolman
Staff Photographer
Terence (@TWTdip) is an indie game developer, artist, educator and sometimes photographer who’s most recent project “SlapFriends” was featured at at GDC as part of ALT.CTRL.GDC as well as the Experimental Gameplay Workshop. He was a concept artists on Tale of Tales Sunset and just wrapped up working as an art director on a USC Masters thesis game “The “Sound of Separation” for student Elaine Gomez. His work can be seen at TerenceTolman.com
GAYMER X 4ever!

Gina Gross Grahame
VP of Corporate Partnerships
Gina Gross Grahame is a 10 year veteran of the game industry. Prior to joining GaymerX, Gina was the Global Recruitment & Education Sales Manager for the Game Developers Conference (GDC) and Gamasutra.
Gina is an award winning keynote speaker, coach, and creator of ‘Be Authentacious!’ where she empowers people to be their best, unique self.
Gina is very active in the San Francisco LGBT community as board member and VP of Membership for the Golden Gate Business Association (GGBA), the Bay Area’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce, and as VP of Public Relations for Rainbow Toastmasters.

Tim Mottishaw
Tabletop Coordinator
Tim (Tabletop/Roleplaying Game Coordinator for GaymerX) is the founder of Dawson Creek Pride, and a regular volunteer at Pride in his home of Vancouver British Columbia, Canada. He is the Western Canadian Regional Coordinator for the D&D Adventurers League and is a Judge at GenCon. A contributor to the Commentist Network, he hosts/GMs a Star Wars liveplay Podcast and a D&D vidcast. Outside of gaming, Tim studies Communications & Cultural Studies at Simon Fraser University. He brings all of this experience and passion to GaymerX, always challenging his own privilege and awareness in the world. He believes we can use gaming to change the world.

Brian Kunde
Volunteer Co-Director
Brian has provided Safer Spaces & Inclusivity training for volunteers at GX events since the original GaymerX in 2013. For GaymerX Year Four, he will continue to co-direct GaymerX’s program for event volunteers, AKA Sprites, alongside Soraya Een-Hajji. Outside of GaymerX, Brian works in social services as a LMSW. He’s a fan of comics, tabletop RPGs, good coffee, and pit bulls.

John James
Art Director
John “JJSignal” James is a graphic illustrator, game designer, and frequent coffee shop goer that resides in San Francisco. For the past three years, JJ has been working with MidBoss and GaymerX as their local pixel pusher. His most recent work has been directing and creating the visuals for MidBoss’ cyberpunk adventure game, Read Only Memories. His burning passion for aesthetics and just the right cup of coffee keep him moving forward.

Soraya Een Hajji
Volunteer Co-Director
Soraya Een Hajji is a loving mother octopus with an above average number of arms used to feed, care for, and cuddle volunteers. Along with her Team Rocket accomplice Brian Kunde, she co-directs the volunteer program at GaymerX.