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Screen Shot 2013-05-25 at 1.50.15 PM


No but for realzies -

Panels Have ARRIVED! And They’re LIVE! That’s no JIVE!


There’s a lot to talk about in the land of GaymerX. First, let’s look at panels.


Now, let’s go back to GaymerX and talk about some of the awesome programming that’s been selected by YOU!

After Matt and the Bosses of Honor kick things off in the opening ceremonies, the Hotel Kabuki will explode with some amazing panels and events designed to inform, enlighten, and most importantly, entertain! Scheduled panels include navigating problematic fandoms and fan spaces, cosplay on the cheap, reflections on the roots of famous characters, and Voice Acting 101 with the voices of GLaDOS and TF’s Sniper. There will also be panels hosted by EA, Twitch.TV, BioWare, and With the amount of panels scheduled, there will definitely be something to pique your interest.

Do you role-play? It’s not as kinky as it sounds… tabletop and live-action role-playing will be hosted by the Pathfinder Society, Minds Eye Society, and Sans Justice. If that’s not your thing, video gaming and card gaming spaces will be available during the entire con!

If you ever feel like the only queer gamer in the whole entire universe, not only will you be surrounded by thousands of your peers but there are also awesome Meet-Ups planned for GaymerX! Whether you’re one of GaymerX’s lovely ladies, handheld champions, or part of the always-adorable Neko army, there is a meet-up for you. Oh, and attention all Pokemon trainers! If you fancy yourself as powerful as Pikachu, as brave as Bulbasaur, or as tough as Wigglytuff, the Pokemon meet-up wants you to test your mettle!


Charmander’s going to keep an eye on the blog for further details, and you should too! There’s far more information to come this weekend!


Wanna check out all the panels? Go to*

Still don’t have a badge? Uh, hello? Why not? You’re going to miss all this cool stuff! Don’t miss cool stuff. Go to and buy one now for yourself, or send a gift to a friend!


*Panel schedule subject to change. All panels subject to change or cancellation.

Please back the “Gaming In Color” Kickstarter!

Hey there!

If you haven’t heard about Gaming In Color, we urge you to go check it out, donate, and help spread the word.

We’re extremely excited that a film has come along (and has asked us to be a part of it) to help cronicle all the change that is being done by queer gamers and queer game developers, from dys4ia to QGCon, to Quiltbag, there has been a ton of amazing developments in queer game theory and growth in the LGBTQ gaming market and we feel that this film needs to happen.

We are eager to be a part of this film so that way all the hard work and energy that you have put in to make this convention SO much larger and better than originally planned can be captured – we want the world to see the power of thousands of Gaymers from across the world coming together and celebrating their queer geekiness.

If you can, please donate to Gaming In Color and help spread the word!

- We’ll be announcing a final list of Bosses of Honor/Artists within the month, send out a seperate email about panels (but submissions end this month) and more shortly!

Thanks for all your support -

Team GaymerX



From GaymerCon to GaymerX – A Whiteboard Retrospective

SOLD OUT: VIP Tickets are no more!

Hey there!

Good news: We have had so much demand for VIP tickets that even at the price point of $100+, we have totally and completely sold out of tickets.

The bad news: We have no more VIP tickets and will not be releasing any more for this year.


And you’re right! But currently the ratio of VIP to GA tickets is way too high, and I want to make sure that the peeps who help out gaymerX and are spending good money get a really cool, exclusive experience.

I can tell you here and now that no matter what, there will be a GaymerX2 so if there is, and if we do do (doo doo :x) a VIP badge for that (we’ll see how this goes) get em early!

GA badges are still available for sale for $45 at




Hey Gaymers!

If you missed our Gaymers Hangout! last night, no worries, as we’re here to catch you up on all the goodies, including a new Boss of Honor, artist for the GaymerXConcert, and TONS of new features on GaymerConnect.

Our second official BOH is none other than Zach Weinersmith, who is the creator of the comic strip Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. He has a degree in literature and 3/8ths of a degree in physics. He published a science fiction gamebook entitled “Trial of the Clone,” and is currently running a kickstarter for a book of science themed comics, called “SCIENCE: Ruining Everything Since 1543” He also co-hosts “The Weekly Weinersmith” with Kelly.



Also, announcing our second artist, F3RAL! F3RAL is an EDM and Bass Music producer and DJ from Los Angeles, CA. His performances focus on the recontextualization of a wide variety of musical styles, such as cumbia, funk, hip hop, and disco, into a live set blending Moombahcore, House, and Dubstep. Plus, he’s totally queer. Check out his music on his SoundCloud and subscribe! Also he’s on facebook and twitter:

BTW- tickets are now officially on sale at – so tell your friends! The more Gaymers, the better!

New GaymerConnect Features and Interview with GameRevolution about GaymerX!

Hey Gaymers!

Some big updates from Gaymerland -

> We recently did an interview with the fabulous about GaymerX and what’s in store. Please check it out!


ANNOUNCING BOH & ARTIST #1 @GAYMERX : Zeke Mystique & Matthew Michael Brown!

Hey Gaymers and friends!

Got some cool gay announcements for you this wonderful Tuesday:

- Everyone who donated should have gotten an email with a Badge Code to redeem on - if you haven’t gotten it, please let us know! We will not close off redemption until 2 weeks before the convention (July 15th) so you do have time to redeem your code or give to a friend.


- - We’re proud to announce our first of 5+ Bosses of Honor: Matthew Michael Brown!

Matthew was the  winner of Season 2 of PlayStation Network’s “The Tester”. As the first person to bring the word Gaymer to televised popular culture in such a big way, Matthew has helped blaze a trail for LGBT rights in the gaming industry. Since working for SCEA, he has gone on to work for Sony Pictures Entertainment as a digital coordinator and was recently elected President of OUT@SPE, the LGBT group on the studio lot. He has experience breaking into the gaming industry as a gaymer and is passionately continuing the fight for equality today. We’re super proud and humbled to have Matthew Michael Brown, the original Gaymer, as one of our Bosses of Honor!


- We’re also extremely excited to announce our first of 4+ artists for the GaymerXConcert: EZKL!


Zeke Mystique is a fierce chiptunemixermastermind. There is little known about this enigma — except that his beats will move your bones. Check it out:

GaymerX Badge Codes and Registration

Hey everyone! Been a great start to the new year!


As many of you know, badge codes went out this week and we are really excited to watch the number of registrations rise! As of now all badge codes should have already been received. We have found some cases of our emails getting caught in a spam filter, so if you haven’t seen yours yet, check your spam!


We also wanted to clear something up regarding our registration process, as it has come up. The “Legal Name” requested is only for an ID check for badge pickup and to verify your age. It WILL NOT be shown on your GaymerX badges. You will have a chance before and at the convention to set your badge name, and the default will be your GaymerConnect username.

Read More…

GaymerConnect Launch & Important Update!

Hey Gaymers!

Hope you all are having a nerdy and wonderful holiday season. Hopefully you’ve gotten the chance to catch up on some of the games you’ve been backlogged on (Dark Souls!), gotten the good ending in hard games (Dishonored!), and wasted many an hour on trivial design choices (Oh Tiny Tower!).

In the past week, the GaymerCon team has been hard at work stuffing packages filled with presents for you! Bitroms, Stickers, Gift Bags, and Tepig Clothing Packs, oh my!

Some important things to note:

- The stickers and the bitroms are coming seperately. If you get one and don’t get the other, give it another day or so. They should come together but we had a fan report getting the stickers yesterday and her bitrom today.

- We will be sending badge redemption codes in the next week over email to the email that you used when you filled out your survey. Once you get your code, you’ll need to redeem your code (with your name and info so we can give you your badge in person at the con!) on

- If you got a kickstarter package that got you a lunch or breakfast super pack, we will be emailing you separately in the coming months to let you know how it will work. If you paid over $100, you will get one breakfast ticket for you plus a number of guests equal to the amount of badges you bought. If you got the special Boss of Honor Lunch, only you (no +1s) will be allowed to this event. It’s special :3.

- If you get your bitrom, and love it, please tweet your thanks to @ogeeku for making them! If you have any issues with the bitrom at all, please direct your anger to @ogeeku for making them ;) – if there’s any damage done with shipping, we’ll happily work with you to get you a new one, but keep in mind that all bitroms are lovingly made individually and are each handmade replicas, so they each look, feel, and smell a little different. The backs of each bitrom have been sanded down for extra smoothness, so please don’t worry if it has a slightly different texture. BONUS FUN TIME GAME: We included some gold bitroms with 5 of the just over 300 bitrom packages that went out – will you get a golden ticket? Gold bitroms can weather ANY economy

- We will be announcing our guests of honor and GaymerConcert guests soon on and on our socials first, so follow us on @gaymercon and stuff!



May we direct your gaymer eyes to GaymerConnect.Com. Newly launched just yesterday, you can now live the gaymercon experience 24/7/365, like Sega Channel! (remember that hot mess?)

On GaymerConnect you can list all your gamertags, find other gaymers based on their location or common games that you both play (pulled in from Facebook if you want!), discuss specific games, join LGBTQ guilds, find local Gaymer groups like the amazing Houston Gaymers for example (Hi Eric!), choose a character, give it stats, and gain XP as you jump around GaymerConnect.

Check it out and please let us @gaymercon know what you think! Follow some other gaymers, add some games, and when you get your badge code, your character will get some XP for registering! You can also upvote/downvote panels too! Fun!!

Please keep in mind that alllllll this was made with minimal budget and done with the help of MANY people donating their time and love, so although its very ambitious, there’s bound to be bugs and parts of the site that aren’t perfect, but I’m damn impressed with what we were able to put out in just the last few months. If you think GaymerConnect is awesome, please tweet to @agius and tell him how awesome he is. He stayed up many a night making a complex Gaymer social network and he deserves some flirts. :3

Go get your profile now at and tweet us a link to your profile so we can follow you :)

Happy holidays ya’ll. Be safe and around loved ones, and let’s appreciate how much LGBT progress we’ve gotten a chance to see in the last couple of years *sniff*


The GaymerCon Crew

