Panel Submissions CLOSE on April 30 – GX2 is just 3 months away!

Hey geeks!

Guess what? You might have a special talent, or been/are in the game industry, or you just love a game series — and we want to hear you talk! If you’re interested in either A) being on an existing panel or B) hosting your own panel, please go to ASAP!

isn’t that right, MEYOW

We will be closing all submissions on April 30 and announcing ALL panels and events in early May.

If you are not selected, this does not mean you are bad! We have already gotten a record amount of submissions compared to last year, and we will have a very hard time choosing a nice balance of industry, pure fan, queer, and celebrity/BOH panels. But either way, please consider submitting becuase we want to hear your voice!!!

We can’t wait to see you and 2500 of our closest friends in July! AHHHHHHHH!

whos this guy