It’s incredible how quickly time has past. Just one year ago we were on Kickstarter asking YOU to help create the first ever LGBTQ gaming convention and now, a year later, we’re preparing for the VIP launch party.
Our initial plans were so modest and small. We expected to rent a small room for a few hundred people and we had no way of knowing this would blow up like it did. So many people backed and showed their support for us that in just a year we’ve been able to create something we feel very proud to contribute to the queer community, the games community, and the world. And all of it happened because of the people who had our backs.
We’re only hours away and sitting on stacks of programs, shirts, confirming schedules with panelists, volunteers (or as we call them “Sprites”), our amazing Bosses of Honor and musicians and wow. It’s all come to this.
Without further ado, here’s a quick rundown of main events:
VIP Party (Friday, 9PM, Kabuki Imperial Room)

Join us as we raise our glasses to our VIP’s who helped make this all possible!
Opening Ceremonies (Saturday, 10AM, Japantown Peace Plaza)

We’ll be taking the Japantown Peace Plaza stage hostage to talk about the journey to GaymerX and some of the awesome things we’ll have in store.
Panels! Games! GAAAAMES! (Sat/Sun 11AM-6PM See schedule for locations)

Throughout the convention there will be lots of panels! Learn about your favorite games. Learn how to MAKE games! Talk about queer issues in the gaming world! And when you’re tired of thinking, there’s a room with video games, a room for board games, and a room for card games! Check the Con Schedule for more details!
Gaymer X Concert! (Saturday, 9PM Kabuki Imperial Room)

Watch a live show as our artists spin and chip tunes for us throughout the night!
GaymerX Cosplay Masquerade! (Sunday, 10AM Japantown Peace Plaza)

Our cosplay stars will be showing off their awesome costumes! Sign up at the registration desk!
Closing ceremonies! (Sunday, 6PM Kabuki Imperial Room)

Watch us choke up on stage as we wish the weekend could have lasted forever…
We couldn’t have done this all without you!