I’m putting on my Diversity Liaison hat before I start waving at you for a moment of your time. GaymerX 4 is coming up this fall and programming suggestions are open until July 1st. Convention content comes from the community. We want and need more POC on panels that are NOT just about diversity.
We know there’s a great community of game makers, podcasters, cosplayers, artists, musicians and more who should submit programming items for GX4! There’s more to our stories than being a marginalized identity within another marginalized identity.
We love games, all facets of making them. So bring your knowledge to GX4 and let’s make this year better for representation across all programming and events September 30 – October 2nd
Hello one and all! Thank you for being as excited about GX4 as we are. We love how diverse our community is and look forward to building this year’s programming together. So without further ado please fill out the form below to submit for a Panel, Talk, Workshop, or Networking event. Programming submissions will be open until July 1, 2024.
Programming Submissions – Submit a talk, a panel, or a workshop!
If you want to request a slot for a tabletop game please fill out our Tabletop Form! Tabletop Form Submissions are open
Co-presenters must fill out an additional form and confirm attendance on sched.org or will need to confirm their information through a handler. Failure to do so can result in your program item being cancelled. Co-presenter form
Should you have any questions or problems please email:
If you have questions about diversity and GaymerX, you can email
Thank you,
Tanya DePass
GaymerX Diversity Liaison