GaymerX • Year Four is a go!

GaymerX Kickstarter is over! $13,100 — thank you for your support..we’ll make this year the best we can!!! Combined with ticket sales, we’re off to a great start and on the way to having the biggest, and best year EVER!

READY TO GO? Just go to and you’re ready to get tickets, get a hotel room, etc 

As you may know, GaymerX has always been a project made for and by the community and your input is what drives the directions we move in. So we wanted to take this time to ask you some questions about what you’d like to see at our event!

Please fill out this form: GaymerX Year Four Suggestion Box!

The Awesomest of the Awesome.. GaymerX Sprites!

Hey Gamers!

As you may have heard, we’re very excited to announce our next convention, GaymerX • Year Four, will be held at the Santa Clara Hyatt Friday September 30th through Sunday October 2nd. We hope to build on our wonderful experience at GaymerX3 with more space, more special guests, and more awesome programming for everyone!

What you may not know is that GaymerX events aren’t possible without the magic of the incredible GaymerX Sprites! Sprites are our on site volunteers at GaymerX. They help us do registration, keep panels running smoothly, provide our A/V support, security on the convention floor, and much more! GaymerX simply couldn’t happen without them!

Interested in becoming a Sprite at GaymerX • Year Four?

Here’s what we’d need from you:

  • Minimum 8 hours of volunteer work during the convention. This is split into several shifts. Our sprites work in a variety of areas ranging from registration, set-up/breakdown, badge checking, security, A/V, and random acts of magic.
  • Able to attend a training session prior to the convention. All of our Sprites go through training to help them cultivate a safe and inclusive community at GX. We also use this time to talk about event logistics, convention policies, and Spritely duties.

Our marvelous perks:

  • Free 3-Day Badge to GaymerX • Year Four Every volunteer gets a badge at no cost to them in exchange for helping us make our event a success.
  • The Sprite Castle. Our volunteers have access to our Volunteer HQ, the Sprite Castle, throughout the event. This is a space to safely store your things, grab some free food, and/or just hang out with your fellow Sprites.
  • And more! We’re still finalizing details on all of our volunteer perks, but we try our hardest to provide our Sprites with whatever we can to thank them for their hard work. We’ll announce these perks as we get closer to the event!

If you’re interested in lending us your magic to help make GaymerX possible, just fill out an application here!

If you have any questions, you can always us via email at [email protected].

See you In Santa Clara!

Soraya Een Hajji & Brian Kunde
Volunteer Directors
GaymerX: Everyone Games

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Since GaymerX is run by our community, we wanted to give you all a chance to help us make it awesome!

We’ve added several stretch goals to help us do more! We really need your help to reach out to your friends, the ones who are gonna get that last minute day-of ticket, and make sure they get their tickets and back this campaign ASAP! Getting your tickets NOW makes it a lot easier for us to potentially expand and open up more tickets!

SPEAKING OF TICKETS, we are also opening up more early bird tickets! Some of you noticed and messaged us about how quickly they sold out. It seems like we’re going to be selling out sooner than usual this year!!

Below are the stretch goals we’re looking to reach! Once the campaign is complete, we will also be able to put ticket sales towards these goals as well, so the more tickets we sell the closer we get as well! ୧ʕ•̀ᴥ•́ʔ୨

It really isn’t a lot to raise so please keep spreading the word and also giving us your feedback because at the end of the day that’s gonna be a big factor in what we do!!